by Brian Hall.
Serpentine: Second Sight is a teaser-themed sampling of no less than FOUR chapters centered around a planetary system undergoing unstoppable decay...
The Hunters:
Kato and Cora are a bounty hunting team. Cora has the looks and the charisma while Kato is the brains and is the voice of reason for the duo. Cora is a womanizer that has many one night stands and Kato is stuck dealing cleaning up the mess and getting her to get on with the business.
The Dastards:
The Dastard Clan are off-worlders trapped when their ship was impounded early in the war. Their on going quest is the search for their ship and their way off the world. They pick up jobs along the way, dirty deeds mostly.
The Ataki:
The Ataki are a humanoid race but are much larger. The Ataki have a bluish tone to their skin and usually have strong almost block like jaw and cheek bones.
The Drjarians:
The Drjarians are a humanoid race but are largest in stature than most human races. They have a red hue to their skin.